You need professional help! Dampness can kill you

The most frequently searched terms related to Dampness are

how to remove dampness from walls

damp proof

how to treat dampness in internal walls

dampness in wall

how to get rid of damp smell in room

Dampness Nemmadi


These search terms show that people are really interested in finding a permanent and cost effective solution for their problems arising due to dampness.

Wall Dampness, Leaking Ceilings, Damp Spots are all because there is something that has given way and water has found its way in. Many customers want to know why they have to engage a professional for root cause analysis rather than a contractor directly for a solution?

Dampness is a major headache for all homeowners. Identifying the source of the leak [the root cause analysis] and rectifying it could be a laborious task. As the source may be in a different room or even a different floor. There are various methods of identifying this leak and the root cause.
A home owner may be tempted for a ‘quick fix‘ solution, this approach could be disastrous and eventually end up costing more than a professionally applied solution.

It is advised to get a professional to check for dampness while conducting a Home Inspection

These videos will help you understand why it is best to get professional help.





