Common Issues During Builder to Association Handover Takeover Process


Builder to Association handover and takeover audits are crucial for a number of reasons:

Transparency and Accountability: Audits give a precise and comprehensive image of the property’s status, including any damages or repairs that need to be addressed, which can help to ensure transparency and accountability in the handover and takeover process.

Financial Responsibilities: Audits can assist in locating any outstanding property taxes, maintenance fees, or other debts that must be paid off before the handover and takeover can occur.

Legal Compliance: Audits can help to make sure that the handoff and takeover process complies with pertinent laws and regulations and that all required paperwork is filled out and submitted properly.

Smooth Transition: By identifying any concerns or difficulties that must be resolved before new residents move in, such as making arrangements for utilities to be connected or giving them information about the neighbourhood and its amenities, audits can assist to ensure a smooth transition for new residents.

Avoiding Conflicts: Audits can assist in locating and resolving any disagreements or complaints that can surface throughout the handover and takeover process, which can help to reduce delays and the likelihood of legal action.

Proper Maintenance: Audits may make sure that all required repairs or maintenance are finished before the handover and takeover takes place, helping to guarantee that the property is in good condition for the new inhabitants and reducing the possibility of further repairs or maintenance in the future.

Protecting resident rights and interests: Audits can assist in making sure that all residents are informed of their obligations and rights during the handover and takeover processes and that their interests are safeguarded.

During the handover and takeover of apartments, Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs) commonly experience the following problems:

  • Lack of accurate records and documentation for the transfer of ownership and maintenance duties.
  • disputes with unpaid property taxes, maintenance payments, or other financial responsibilities.
  • Unrepaired or improperly reported damage to the property or communal areas.
  • access to the property is difficult for upkeep or inspection.
  • Getting everyone’s approval for the transfer and takeover procedure will be difficult.

During the handover and takeover of apartment, Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs) may also encounter the following issues:

  • Misunderstandings or misconceptions regarding the terms and conditions of the handover and takeover process, such as the state of the property, the distribution of keys, and the handover date.
  • Getting everyone’s approval for the handover and takeover process can be challenging, especially if there are disagreements or unresolved concerns.
  • coordination issues when attempting to finish the handover and takeover process with other parties, such as the builder, developer, or municipal authorities.
  • Difficulty in ensuring that all required maintenance or repairs are finished prior to the transfer and takeover.
  • Having trouble organising the move-in process for new residents, including getting the utilities connected, educating them about the neighbourhood and its facilities, and making sure that all required paperwork is completed.
  • It is challenging to ensure that every resident is informed of their obligations and rights under the handover and takeover process.
  • Residents may become distrustful and dissatisfied if the handover and takeover processes lack transparency and accountability.
  • dealing with complaints or disagreements that come up during the handover and takeover procedure.

In the subsequent sections, some of the major issues are discussed in detail.

Monthly Maintenance Charges

In India, typical expenses for an apartment complex’s monthly maintenance fees include:

  • Security costs may include those for security officers, security systems, and other security precautions.
  • Cleaning, gardening, and repairs for common areas including the lobby, elevator, and stairwells might be included in the maintenance of common areas.
  • Facilities and services: This can cover costs for things like swimming pool upkeep, gym upkeep, and any other extra amenities or services the complex offers.
  • Sewage treatment plant (STP): The STP is a crucial part of the infrastructure of an apartment building and is in charge of processing wastewater produced by the building before it is discharged into the environment. Pollutants and contaminants are taken out of the wastewater by the STP using a combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes. It is crucial to remember that improper maintenance of the STP can result in problems including clogs, overflowing, and low-quality water.
  • Water treatment plant (WTP): The WTP is in charge of cleaning and treating the complex’s water supply. Reverse osmosis, filtration, and other processes are used to get rid of pollutants and make sure the water is fit for consumption. By removing pollutants like iron, manganese, hardness, etc. The WTP also makes sure that the water is of good quality and taste.
  • Water softeners: The purpose of water softeners is to soften and improve the taste of hard water by removing minerals like calcium and magnesium from the water supply. Numerous problems, including pipe clogs, scaling in water heaters, and dry skin, can be brought on by hard water. These problems can be avoided and the water can be made more enjoyable to use by softening it.

Sewage Treatment Plant

Sewage treatment plants or STP are crucial in apartment buildings because they help to properly process and dispose-off the waste water. Without a treatment facility, waste water would be released directly into the environment, perhaps contaminating adjacent bodies of water and posing a risk to human and animal health. The wastewater is cleaned at a sewage treatment plant using a combination of physical, chemical, and biological procedures to get rid of contaminants and dangerous microorganisms. Sewage treatment facilities are essential for safeguarding both the environment and public health. The treated wastewater can subsequently be disposed in accordance with local authority standards or utilised again inside the apartment building for flushing or gardening. Depending on the type of sewage being treated and the local rules, a sewage treatment plant’s specific design and operation may change. Owing to the complexity, there are several potential difficulties with a STP in an apartment building. 

Typical problems include:

  • Raw sewage may overflow from the STP if it becomes clogged or is otherwise not operating properly, which could cause flooding in the apartment building.
  • Odours: Unpleasant odours that arise from a faulty STP system can be an annoyance to nearby households.
  • Health risks: If raw sewage is not properly treated, it may include diseases and dangerous microorganisms that are harmful to human health.
  • Costs associated with maintenance and repairs: If the STP needs frequent replacement or repair, the cost of maintenance may be high for the apartment complex.
  • Lack of capacity: The STP may malfunction if it is not equipped to handle the volume of sewage produced by the residential complex.
  • Impact on the environment: If the STP is not operating effectively, untreated sewage may be released into the environment, which may harm local animals and water sources.
  • Noise pollution: The mechanical aeration systems used by some STP systems can be loud and annoying to locals.
  • Poorly constructed or maintained sewage treatment plants may not adequately treat sewage before it is discharged, posing a risk to the public’s health and polluting the environment.
  • If the STP is not powered by a backup generator, it may shut down during power outages, resulting in sewage overflow or release of untreated sewage.

It’s crucial to remember that, in order to prevent these problems, it is the building owner’s or management company’s responsibility to make sure the STP system is operating correctly and that all required maintenance is carried out on a regular basis. These plants may degrade over time for a number of reasons, such as poor maintenance, equipment breakdowns, and rising demand. Deterioration can result in decreased plant capacity and efficiency as well as the discharge of wastewater that has either not been fully or incompletely treated into the environment. This could have detrimental effects on the environment and public health. Sewage treatment facilities must be continually upgraded, maintained, and operated in accordance with the demands of the community they serve if we are to avoid negative repercussions.

Water Treatment Plant & Water Softeners

A water treatment plant is a building where water is cleaned and prepared for usage in residences, workplaces, and other structures. Depending on the particular treatment plant, the method used to purify the water can vary, although it typically entails procedures like filtering, sedimentation, and disinfection.

On the other hand, water softeners are tools used to filter out hard water minerals like calcium and magnesium from the water supply. They function by exchanging sodium ions for the hard minerals, resulting in softer water. This is referred to as ion exchange.

Although not all water treatment facilities employ water softeners as part of their overall water purifying procedure, some do. Water softeners are also used in some homes and buildings to treat the water supply before it is distributed throughout the structure.

There are a variety of issues that can arise with water treatment plants, including:

  • Typical issues with water treatment facilities include:
  • Algae and other biological development in the water supply that may cause odour and taste problems as well as possible health dangers.
  • high concentrations of silt or other particles in the water that generate turbidity, or cloudiness.
  • High concentrations of dissolved minerals or compounds, such as chlorine, iron, or manganese, can alter the taste and odour of water and perhaps have negative health effects.
  • High concentrations of bacteria or other microbes that might cause water-borne illnesses
  • Lack of filtration or proper disinfection, which can let dangerous contaminants get past the treatment stage and into the water supply.
  • Equipment malfunctions due to mechanical or electrical issues might stop the treatment process and lower the quality of the water.
  • Infrastructure that is getting older, which can make it challenging to maintain the water treatment plant and make sure it is working as efficiently as possible.
  • Lack of upkeep and frequent inspections.

Depending on the specific issue, the effects on the treated water and the surrounding community can range from minor to severe. It is important for regular maintenance and monitoring to take place to prevent and address any issues that may arise.

Likewise, Water softeners can have several problems, including:

  • System clogging and decreased efficiency are caused by mineral deposit in the resin tank, which is brought on by hard water.
  • Salt bridging: If the salt that is used to regenerate the resin bed becomes too dense, it may develop a tough crust that obstructs the water’s ability to pass through the tank.
  • Salt overuse can result in high sodium levels in the water, which can be problematic for those following low-sodium diets.
  • Leakage: Pipe, valve, or tank leaks in water softeners can result in water damage and waste water.
  • Reduced water pressure: The water softener may become less effective if it is not properly maintained, which might result in decreased water pressure and flow.
  • Short lifespan: Parts replacement and routine maintenance for water softeners can be expensive and time-consuming.
  • High price of electricity and salt.
  • Environmental worries: A water softener brine output may have a harmful impact on the environment.

To prevent these issues, it is crucial to periodically maintain and service the water softener.

Pest Control

For occupants or owners, pests and rodents in an apartment building can be a serious issue. Cockroaches, ants, bed bugs, and mice are a few frequent pests in flats. These pests can harm property, wreak havoc on health, and make living situations miserable. It is crucial to have a proactive approach to deal with mice and pests in an apartment building. This includes routine inspections, appropriate sanitation and pest control procedures, and good communication. You should speak with the property management or landlord right away if you need assistance if there are pest or rodent problems in your apartment building.

Pest control in apartments can be a difficult issue to resolve since it requires the cooperation of several stakeholders, including the landlord, property management, and individual owners. In order to avoid and control pests in an apartment, it’s critical to maintain the living area tidy and clear of food waste, to plug any crevices or entryways, and to routinely check for infestation indicators. It is crucial to notify the landlord or property management right away if a pest infestation is suspected so they can take the necessary steps. It might also be required to hire a professional pest control agency to completely eliminate the issue.

  • The following precautions can be taken to ward off and manage bugs in an apartment:
  • Keep the living area hygienic and clear of food scraps. This entails routinely wiping down counters and other surfaces, cleaning and vacuuming floors, and quickly washing dishes.
  • Sanitation: Ensure that all food is kept in airtight containers, and frequently dispose of waste.
  • To keep pests out of the flat, seal any cracks or openings in the walls, floors, and ceilings. This entails utilising door sweeps, caulking around pipes, and putting screens on windows and vents.
  • Check the flat frequently for infestation indicators, such as droppings, nests, or live pests.
  • Communication is key. As soon as you suspect a pest issue, let the home owner or property management know. They are in charge of dealing with pest problems and can even be able to offer expert pest control services.
  • Professional Pest Control Service: Take into account using a professional pest control service if the problem continues. They’ll be able to do an exhaustive examination of the flat, locate the issue, and make a treatment plan that works.
  • Resident’s Obligation: Additionally, it is the duty of the residents to keep their own apartments tidy and clear of pests’ food and water sources.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that, in order to effectively prevent and manage pests in an apartment, pest control is a continuous process that calls for coordination and cooperation between all parties concerned.

MEP Audit & Its Importance

An MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) audit in an apartment complex is a process that assesses the condition, efficiency, and safety of the building’s mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. The audit’s goal is to identify any issues or problems that need to be addressed to ensure the building’s safe and efficient operation, as well as to avoid future costly repairs or replacements.

The state of the building’s mechanical systems, including the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, will be examined and evaluated by a qualified inspector during the MEP audit. In order to make sure the electrical systems are in good working order, they will also inspect the wiring, circuit breakers, and electrical panels. The inspector will also assess the plumbing systems to make sure they are in good shape and free of leaks or obstructions, including the pipes, fittings, and drainage systems.

The MEP audit will also look at safety and energy efficiency, as well as compliance with regional building laws and rules. The building management will be informed of any faults or difficulties found during the audit, along with suggestions for enhancements or repairs.

A MEP audit is essential for an apartment building since it helps to make sure that the building’s systems are secure, effective, and compliant with local building laws and regulations. This can assist to avoid future expensive repairs or replacements and assure the security of the residents.

Legal Issues

There are a number of legal difficulties that may come up as the RWA (Resident Welfare Association) takes over from the builder.

Among the frequent legal issues are:

Title and ownership: The builder must give the RWA legal title to and ownership of the complex’s common areas and facilities. Local rules and regulations must be followed during this procedure.

Until the RWA assumes control, the complexes common areas and facilities may need to be maintained and repaired by the builder. During this transitional phase, the builder and RWA should have a clear understanding of their respective obligations and duties for maintenance and repair.

Legality: Before turning the complex over to the RWA, the builder must make sure it complies with all applicable local laws and ordinances. Once the RWA assumes control, compliance will be their responsibility.

All required handover documentation, such as building plans, as-built drawings, safety and compliance certificates, and maintenance records, must be given by the builder to the RWA.

Finances: Before handover, the builder must make sure that the complex’s finances are in order and give the RWA a thorough financial statement.

Legal problems: Negotiation or mediation should be used to settle any legal disputes that surface throughout the handover process. The parties may seek judicial resolution if required.

To avoid any legal complications, it is crucial that the RWA and the builder establish a precise agreement stating their obligations and duties for the handover process. To prevent any problems, it is always a good idea to speak with legal professionals and/or attorneys.


Authored by Mr Shankar Narayanan



